
Player comments and head tracking
Player comments and head tracking

player comments and head tracking

Play about 6 months with delan or something equivalent, then look for second hand TrackIR. Don't think that better gear makes you a better player, it won't its all about where you feel comfortable. There are wireless rechargeable stuff available now. Down sides? even with high end VR sometimes its hard to tell if you enemy is doing a head on or running away.Ĭonclusion : go step by step, get yourself a delanclip or a 3D printed stuff from ebay.

player comments and head tracking

I got Oculus Rift DK2 first and I hated the screen door effect so I went back to TrackIR some years ago, but then I started to participate in SB tournaments and I got Rift CV1, the difference is : with VR its natural, that even if you pass my aircraft I know where you are, with TrackIR its more experience than natural. You set them right it will serve you well. Btw I used TrackIR with trackclip attached to my headset it worked fine. Works flawlessly unless you are using it on a bright day with windows open. TrackIR5 : Definitely has higher field of view than PS cam, so it kept a steady connection with my head movement, other one lost it sometimes. Delanclip : I got it after some eyesore I built myself, I used it with PS eye camera hack it worked fine.

Player comments and head tracking